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The stress response is well characterised as the “flight or fight” response, and is highly variable between individuals.
Therefore there is no one-size-fits-all approach to stress management strategies, and why we need to develop individual treatment strategies based on the patients presentation, their lifestyle and their own health goals.

Rowena our registered nurse specialises in appearance medicine.
She offers anti-wrinkle injections (Botox® and Dysport®) as well as dermal fillers.

Our pharmacists can give you, your Vitamin B12 injection.
No more waiting around for an available appointment, we can do these while you are in the pharmacy.

Comprehensive health and wellbeing solutions based on your own genetics and DNA.
"You can't change your genes but you can affect their expression and influence with the right nutritional, exercise and lifestyle choices

Our pharmacists can under take a health check in the clinic.
We take a snap shot of your health and can offer solutions to improve your health

We realise it can be difficult to give up so that’s why our pharmacists have a programme specific to your needs. They can help you decide on what stop smoking options are best for you.

Urinary Tract Infections, Cystitis or UTIs, one of our pharmacists can discuss your symptoms with you in a private area.
Our trained Pharmacists are able to offer antibiotic treatment for UTIs where appropriate without the need for a prescription.
The treatment, is available to women between the ages of 16 and 65 who are not pregnant.

Our pharmacists can prescribe selected oral contraceptive pills.
You need to have these previously prescribed by your Doctor in the past 3 years.
This is available for women between 16 years and 39 years old.

Detoxification is a natural metabolic process whereby the environmental and dietary toxins we are exposed to are changed into less harmful substances, and subsequently excreted from the body.
Our Clinical Detoxification Programs aim to address dietary and lifestyle factors to reduce the burden placed on your detoxification system, while simultaneously supporting the capacity of your key detox organs.